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Join date: May 13, 2022


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But even as the most bizarre of criminals, Edward was both loved and hated, his criminal history making him one of the most notorious figures in Gotham. His attempts to show his displeasure by destroying his own work and leaving organized crime in disarray would lead to the rise of the Penguin, the acquisition of over six billion dollars by his partner The Riddler, and countless other misfortunes. Contents During his youth, Edward was involved in the petty crime and juvenile delinquency that came to plague Gotham in the late 1990s. In the summer of 1999, he was picked up by the police for auto theft and placed in juvenile hall. During the course of his stay, he devised a plan to escape the juvenile hall by murdering a guard and retrieving his personal belongings. Thanks to his Riddler tattoos and his undeniable genius, he was able to solve the problem, creating a system to prevent anyone from escaping. Realizing that the system would be too difficult for an inmate to defeat, he then decided to turn it to his own advantage and use it to commit crimes. After he was transferred to a maximum-security prison, Edward continued his plan and killed a guard who was working at the prison. He then assembled a team of inmates to help him carry out his plan, which included a sharpshooter. The plan was to free their fellow inmates and take over the maximum security prison. His plot was set back, however, when the sharpshooter shot and killed one of his accomplices, which resulted in a massive prison riot. Edward was sent back to the juvenile hall. After several months had passed, Edward became a naturalized citizen of the United States, which earned him his first citizenship status. He was later arrested and charged with a number of armed robberies. After a plea bargain, Edward was released from prison. Edward resurfaced when he robbed and murdered the wealthy publisher, R. Kincaid, of The Daily Bugle. The man was a good friend of his mother, and Edward killed him in his own home. He then fled the scene of the crime. In his search for the culprit, the Gotham City Police Department finally arrested him, and he was sentenced to death. The execution was postponed when a well-known criminal attorney took Edward's case, ultimately getting him a commutation. Edward's criminal career had begun. Edward had several run-ins with Batman while he was on the loose. He attempted to rob a bakery, but was foiled by Batman,




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