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The Commodore's Closing Letter

Dear Members,

Since we are nearing the end of the 2019 summer season, I am happy to give you a recap. LYC has been quite fortunate to have had outstanding volunteers serve on the Board of Governors, and lead / participate in many Club committees. With unity and collaboration, the club has indeed thrived in 2019!

The Sunday Race Series has been a success thanks to the Race Committee and Patrol Fleet. 70+ students happily participated in the Junior Sailing program. The Thursday Night Sailing and the Adult Beginner Sailing programs inspired members to be out on the Bay. 2019 Regattas hosted by LYC were all successful.

The House (kitchen & bar) enhancements included new appliances, comprehensive inventory controls & strong event-management. Use of plastic water bottles and plastic straws/stirrers has been significantly reduced. House leadership & staff have done their very best to create a positive experience for members and guests that was budget efficient. Should you wish to show your appreciation by providing staff members with additional end-of-season gratuities, I encourage you to reach out to me for contact information.

A legally certified Employee Handbook was put in place to protect both staff as well as the Club. A new ADP payroll system has also worked well. The Club’s NJ state ABC Liquor License was approved, ensuring compliant operation throughout the 2019 season.

Phase 1 of a Hut modernization effort included new inventory controls and purchases via POS and credit cards. Phase 2 Hut enhancements are being considered for 2020.

The Building and Ground Committees made significant enhancements to the Club. Our custodian, Sud, did a terrific job throughout this active season. To ensure the safety of members, guests, staff and LYC property, our security cameras have been active throughout. Another major accomplishment included the adoption of updated LYC Bylaws through a vote by the membership.

The Planning Committee has also made significant progress. They will continue to explore options with the architect firm for an improved LYC structure. The Women's Committee, Junior Activities Committee, Entertainment Committee, and other club volunteers orchestrated many enjoyable events. Saturday morning Yoga was again warmly embraced by many members. Our weekly Scuttlebutt and new LYC website have been outstanding!

The LYC Can Help the Hungry program has donated items to food-insecure families in the local area. There is still time to contribute cans of food via the barrel just outside the R-to-R hallway entrance!

This coming weekend events include: The Closing Cocktail Party on Saturday evening, the final LYC Sunday Series races, and Awards Night on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Rounding out our Labor Day weekend festivities is the fun Commodore's Race on Monday morning at 10 a.m. Sailors, crew and member spectators are invited for complimentary breakfast items and post-race luncheon. Sorry, no guests can be included. Other post-season sailing opportunities include M-Scow Easterns (set for September 14) and Flying Scot ACC’s (on September 21 & 22).

Once again, I would like to thank the Board of Governors, Committee Chairs, and all volunteers for making this another great year at LYC!

Warmest regards,

George Anderson Commodore


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